Old Country Farmer



A farmer gives his bucket a life lesson. Recorded on TZ Stellar X2 mic with Steinberg interface.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the farmer and his buckets. Story shared by Russell Brunson's illustrated by Ryan Stinger, narrated by alec Circle, There once was a farmer who had two buckets. He used those buckets to bring water home every day. One of those buckets had a crack and leak continuously. The other was perfect and never spilled a drop. As time passed, the crack bucket became sad about the leaked water. He decided to speak with the farmer. Upon learning that he was sad, the farmer asked the bucket to join him on a walk. They walked the same path as always, but this time the farmer pointed out all the wonderful life that had sprung up around them. He explained to the bucket that he was responsible for all of this beauty. If he hadn't leaked water every day, the plants would never have grown the bucket realized that despite his flaws, he still helped those around him grow even when he wasn't aware of it.