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Behind the scenes with a film crew working on a documentary.
Voice Acting
The Best Documentary Narrators of All Time

In this blog, we will look at the most revered documentary narrators of all time, as well as some of the most iconic documentaries.

A representation of vocal fry with a woman wearing a black hat and speaking into a cellphone.
Voice Acting
What Is Vocal Fry and What Does It Sound Like?

The vocal fry phenomenon has taken over in recent years. We asked the voice over community for their thoughts on vocal fry and when to use it.

Actor Dennis Haysbert stands in the middle of a street looking into the camera next to the Allstate Insurance logo.
Who Is the Allstate Commercial Guy?

Chances are you've heard the booming voice in the Allstate commercials. But do you really know who the Allstate commercial guy is?

Realism in advertising represented by a man wearing headphones and using a smartphone.
How to Amplify Realism in Advertising

Here are some of the ways that brands amplify realism in advertising through diversity and inclusion, social causes and values, and ASMR and Foley effects.

A main with black hair and a beard is wearing headphones and smiling towards the camera.
Voice Acting
The Male Voice & How to Describe It 

Use this guide to the male voice to learn everything you need to know about this beautiful instrument and its capabilities. 

A blonde woman in front of a blue background listens to audio as she sits in front of a laptop.
What’s the Average Length of an Audio Ad?

Wondering what the average length of your audio ad should be? In this blog, we break down everything you could want to know about audio ads.

A man with a beard and dark hair adjusts a microphone in a studio.
Voice Acting
How to Stand in Front of a Microphone

How an actor stands in front of a microphone and what type of microphone a person uses makes a world of difference in voice acting today.

cameraman films an iceberg in antarctica
How To Make a Documentary

Documentary filmmaking is a highly-skilled and specialized art. This guide goes through all the crucial elements of how to make a documentary.

Woman grabbing her throat and holding glass of water.
Voice Acting
How to Care for Your Voice

Whether you are a voice over actor, singer, or any kind of vocal performer here are some great tips on how to care for your voice.

Hand holding smart remote
Voice Acting
The Best TV Commercials of the 2020s

Let’s consider what makes this decade unique and discuss the impact the years have had on TV commercials in the 2020s.

Patrick Star is smiling with a green floral shirt and purple pants.
Voice Acting
Who is the Voice of Patrick Star?

In this post, we'll look at Patrick Star and the actor who lent his voice to this famous starfish over the years.

Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning

How do Elearning and traditional learning differ? Here's an in-depth look at the pros and cons of Elearning vs. traditional learning.

Showing 1-12 of 30 Articles