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A talking robot toy holding pliers and a wrench.
Voice Acting
Sample Talking Toys Scripts

The voices you choose for your talking toys is important in order create a believable experience for the user through the toy’s voice.

voice over resolution
Voice Acting
Voice Over Resolutions: Goals for the Year and Beyond

As a voice over artist, setting a voice over resolution yourself for the year ahead is a great way to ensure that you achieve success.

An illustrated graphic depicts a man looking out over the edge of a cliff through a telescope, as though gazing into the future
Voice Acting
2019 Trends Report: What’s Coming for Voice Actors and Creatives

Prepare for success with these 2019 trends in voice over and marketing, assembled from Voices survey and data. Get ahead of the curve!

A woman's hands are visible, as well as her workstation which has a laptop, a book and a cup of coffee on it.
Job Posting Updates

We updated the Job Posting form, with new script length description options, usage options for broadcast work, & talent budget minimums by project type

An enter sign dusted with snow against a background of pine boughs and holiday decor.
Voice Acting
Holiday Season Voice Over Sample Scripts

Looking for holiday scripts to practice with and get inspiration from? Here are three options for you to tap into that holiday spirit.

The Incredibles
Voice Acting
Celebrity Voice Talents in The Incredibles

Wondering who the voice actors are in The Incredibles? Look no further. Here is the list of who voices the characters in the cast.

a group of casually dressed co workers using sticky notes on a row of windows to brainstorm ideas for their podcast
Voice Acting
Brainstorming Podcast Topics

Expert advice on coming up with podcast topics that are sure to engage your audience from one very successful podcast co-host.

Two hands encircle a set of paper cutouts shaped like people holding hands.
Vocal Health
Self Care Tips and Activities for Every Creative

Carving out a self care practice is a must for professionals, especially creatives. Get inspired with these self care tips and activities.

Narration scripts represented by someone reading a book surrounded by other open books.
Narration Scripts: Non Fiction

Try your hand at these 30 and 60 second audiobook voice over narration sample scripts to get you practicing for your next gig.

A story book coming to life
Voice Acting
Narration Scripts – Young Adult Fiction

Every narrator should practice reading long form audiobook scripts. These young adult fiction narration scripts can help you do just that.

Image depicting a silhouette of a person with headphones on and the outline of a microphone.
How Audiobook Narrators Find Their Voice

Audiobook narrators on how they find their voice and create original character voices that will inspire and delight.

the word "fiction" spelled out on typewriter stamps to symbolize fiction in audiobook scripts that narrations can use to practice with.
Voice Acting
Narration Scripts – Fiction Genre

Every narrator needs to practice reading long form audiobook scripts and produce demos of their narration abilities. These sample scripts will help you do just...

Showing 181-192 of 220 Articles