Search results for Auditions

Woman being interviewed.
Voice Acting
3 Questions Talent Agents Should Ask Before They Rep You

How well does your agent know you? When you are in charge of auditioning on your own, you have the ability to decide whether or not you are a good fit.

A microphone sits in a shock mount with a pop screen in front of it. The background is blurry.
Voice Artists, What Would You Do For The Perfect Take?

Trying to get the perfect take? Learn what voice actors have done to make sure their recordings sound great.

Scattered on a desk are various objects - in the top, left corner a smartphone rests on a small bounce book. To the right of that is a calculator. Next to that is a clipboard. Below it, a pair of glasses and a mug, full of coffee. Below that 2 pages with various charters are laid out on the desk. A pen is placed on the papers. Just above and to the left is a spiral bound notebook.
How You Can Use Your Voices Profile Statistics to...

Learn which keywords are searched for often, popular job types, and how that can help you improve your profile!

A man sits at his desk, looking bored. He has a pen in one hand and glasses in the other, up near his face. Stacked binders appear on either side of him.
Voice Acting
5 Ways to Tell if Your Voice Acting Has Hit a Glass...

Do you feel like you're in a rut? Learn tips and tricks for identifying - and getting out - of your voice acting rut.

A series of plants in a row. They are small (the first being the smaller) to a slightly larger green plant. They are planted in dirt and a yellow, chalk-like arrow swoops along the top from the bottom left to the top right.
Voice Acting
The Voice Over Industry of Today and Tomorrow

Voice actor Xavier Paul Cadeau looks at the industry's trends and what voice actors can do to make their career a long and fulfilling one.

A stethoscope sits across a keyboard in a semi-unfurled fashion.
Voice Acting
Audition Diagnosis - Tips to Get Your Career Rolling

Want to know why you aren't booking more work? Tommy Griffiths explores how you can improve your auditions and land your next gig.

The hands of five people are placed on a table, each one working away at a puzzle or sketching out a solution to a problem.
Voice Acting
Hiring a VO? 5 Tips to Set Your Voice Over Project Up...

Save time and money. These 5 tips for Voices clients can help you get your voice over project completed efficiently and effectively.

A man with a beard and glasses sits at a table while looking down at a book. He has a pen pressed to his lips and a pensive expression on his face. A coffee cup sits next to him, a notebook is front of him and a small stack of books sits to the side of him.
6 Voice Over Career Blunders to Avoid

Shelly Shenoy, voice actor and coach shares her insights for voice actors as she dispels misconceptions and provides advice.

A woman in a sundress and hat holds a map in front of her face while standing on a cobblestone street.
How to Make the Most of Your Experience on

Be strategic, set up email notifications, reply to auditions like a pro with a strong audition proposal and so much more!

A microphone sits in focus while the background of empty chairs in a conference venue is hazy
Voice Acting
Voice Over Pros: LevelUp Your Career in NYC

Join Voices, industry peers, experts and coaches for this intensive one-day event for those who want to level up their voice over career.

Pink banner that says LevelUp San Francisco
Voice Over Beginners: LevelUp Your Career in San...

Beginning voice actor? Want to stand out from the crowd? Learn from industry coaches and voice actor mentors. Get info on presenters today!

The Shared Responses Feature has been updated
Introducing the Updated Shared Responses Feature for...

Shortlisting and sharing auditions for your posted jobs just got easier, with the updated Shared Response Feature for Businesses.

Showing 205-216 of 244 Articles