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Netflix home screen on laptop
How Netflix Became the World's First International Movie Studio

With a global content strategy, you can reach audiences all around the world. Explore how Netflix leaned into its local-language content.

Voice Acting
How Uncredited Voice Over Roles in Disney Movies...

We look at one of Walt Disney’s most famous animated masterpieces & explores the lengths Disney went to in order to stake his claim to a franchise voice

Voice Acting
Accessible Tourism: Making Travel Available to All

Accessible tourism is an ongoing measure to ensure that tourist destinations and services are accessible to all people, regardless of their disabilities or...

Two account managers sit at their computers in the office.
Voice Acting
How Can Be an Extension of Your Creative Team

The internet makes extending your creative team possible. Learn how easy it is for Voices to become part of your voice over casting team!

A man with blue eyes and gray hair smiles and looks at the camera as he stacks coins in several rows.
Voice Acting
Royalties, Distribution, Promotion and More: Answers...

From royalties to promotion and distribution, there's a lot to consider when it comes to audiobook post production. Get the scoop here!

A man with a beard and glasses sits at a table while looking down at a book. He has a pen pressed to his lips and a pensive expression on his face. A coffee cup sits next to him, a notebook is front of him and a small stack of books sits to the side of him.
6 Voice Over Career Blunders to Avoid

Shelly Shenoy, voice actor and coach shares her insights for voice actors as she dispels misconceptions and provides advice.

Singing in the rain, actress, red umbrella, lamppost
Voice Acting
4 Lessons For Creative Producers From Singing In The Rain

When new technology comes along, you can jump on the bandwagon or get left behind. Save business headaches and heartaches with these 4 tips.

SAG-AFTRA headquarters exterior
The History of SAG-AFTRA

All about the history of how SAG-AFTRA came to be, including why each body was formed and why they decided to join forces.

Disney Seven Dwarves
Whose voices starred in Disney’s original Snow White...

Wondering who the voice actors are in the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Here is the list of who voiced the characters.

Voice Acting
Meet the Industry : Voice Talent Agents

Agents are very selective, but as we’ve said earlier, there is a voice for every job and a job for every voice. Does an agency shoe fit for you?

Showing 13-22 of 22 Articles