Search results for freelancer

A woman sits on a lounging chair working on her laptop in a living room.
Making Money
Best Freelance Gigs to Start in 2024 with Little to No...

Many gigs are remote jobs. These 5 freelance gigs are great ways to start freelancing in 2024 with little to no money.

Why You Need a Demo Reel

Every voice actor needs a demo reel. Get expert advice from a casting pro on creating your first voice over demo and how to sound your best.

Laptop screen with YouTube library open
Your Complete Guide to the YouTube Audio Library

Everything you need to know about the free YouTube Audio Library. See how it compares to other free music and audio libraries.

Job Description Templates

Hiring the right person for your business or project can be challenging. However, with a well-written job description, you’re off to a great...

Woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop, contemplating a serious issue
Best Project Management Apps for Creative Producers

Proejct management apps to help keep teams organized. But it's not one-size-fits-all. Here are the top 6 and who they're best suited for.

Female blogger writing new post from cafe
Voice Acting
The Ins and Outs of Voice Over: A Guide to Building...

Just about every industry has voice artists filling specific needs in the field. We're breaking down what you need to know about voice acting.

Woman standing with arms crossed surrounded by audio gear
Here’s What Readers are Saying About Our 2022...

Here's what readers are saying about the emerging trends we identified and predictions we made in our 2022 Trends Report.

behind the scenes production of a tv show. A camera close up on some food, with a woman standing at a counter, to the left of the close up, which is out of focus.
3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Video Production...

At every stage of video production there are opportunities to create multi-purpose content from still shots to podcasts. Learn how.

man sitting at a laptop with silver headphones on. Image for a blog post on the top 5 sound effect websites
5 Best Websites for Sound Effects

Five sound effect websites that deliver the best selection, best prices, and best usage rights. These five stand out from the rest in more ways than one!

hand holding cellphone with YouTube logo on the screen
How to Grow Your YouTube Channel in 2024

Growing your Youtube channel takes a mix of patience, curiosity, creativity, and these pro tips.

Voices Leaderboard header image
New Voices Leaderboard

A great place for clients to discover your next favourite freelancer. And an excellent place for talent to find inspiration and maybe even a little motivation!...

11 Reasons to Hire a Freelance Localization Expert

Localizing your content is a crucial part of expanding into the global market. Here are 11 reasons to hire a freelance localization expert.

Showing 13-24 of 41 Articles