Search results for Step Up to the Mic

The crowd hold their hands up as a rock star takes the stage
Voice Acting
4 Common but Easily Avoidable Live Sound Mistakes

For all those who want to learn how to pull off great live sound - here are 4 common but easily avoidable mistakes!

a golden film reel and unraveling film
Voice Acting
Academy Award for Best Picture – Nomination...

Can you predict which films will be nominated for an Oscar? We analyze the nominees for Best Picture and draw comparisons.

A close up of a fan-made R2D2 robot
Voice Acting
Life as an Astromech: How a Film Fan is Giving Back...

You never know how your passion projects and life’s ambitions will intersect. How a fan built an R2D2 to spec and is using it to give back.

Young woman bothered by noise.
Vocal Health
Misophonia: When Certain Sounds Are Intolerable

Irritated by the sound of chewing? Do mouth noises bother you more than most people? Misophonia will make you think differently about sound.

Stephanie Ciccarelli and Keith Tomasek talk and laugh
3 Secrets to Authentic Brand Storytelling

Many businesses struggle to connect with their audience. Media Strategist and Producer Keith Tomasek shares 3 keys to effective storytelling.

A person sits with a coffee in one hand and an open book in their lap
Voice Acting
6 Business Audiobooks to Help You Develop and Execute...

No time for an MBA? If you want to spark great ideas and develop winning strategy these 6 books may be just what you need!

a woman holds the remote for a projector, while light flashes.
Create Narrated Presentations to Elevate Your Brand

Learn about how you can create and use narrated presentations as valuable content that helps elevate your brand.

A group of several people with different ages
Voice Acting
Does Age Discrimination Affect Voice Actors?

How much does an actor's age figure into a casting decision? A new law prohibits entertainment websites from posting an actor's age.

Man in the studio happy to be a voice actor
Voice Acting
What Gets a Voice Actor Cast Online? 4 Considerations

When you hear clients say, “I’ll know it when I hear it?” Most clients engaged in online casting are open to hearing new and fresh talent.

Voice Acting
How To Use Storytelling to Make Science More Accessible

How voice actors' storytelling and ability to speak in layman's terms can help businesses better appeal to their intended audiences.

Woman holding a hand mirror and looking at her reflection.
Voice Acting
Actor, Know Thyself! 3 Things You Should Figure Out

How can a voice actor take on roles if they do not yet know themself? We explore how knowledge of yourself can help to guide your career.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Running Your Own Business

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor , recently moderated a panel discussion on how to run and grow your voice acting business.

Showing 229-240 of 261 Articles