Search results for Voice Acting Books

Voice Acting
The ABCs of Voiceover

Ever wondered how to interpret voiceover jargon? Get the lingo down with the help of this handy glossary of voiceover and voice acting terms.

Hollywood's New Triple Threat? Acting, Looks, and Voice?
Voice Acting
Hollywood’s New Triple Threat? Acting, Looks,...

Traditionally, people known as Triple Threats have been performers who can sing, dance and act, but what if there is a new Triple Threat on the horizon?

Man recording voice overs
Voice Acting
3 Ways Senior Voices Are Rocking It

You can make money with your voice in your golden years as a voice actor. Discover why senior voices are more in demand than ever.

Students walking on a university campus towards a faculty building.
Voice Acting
Voice Acting Tips for Educational Campaigns

Looking to land a job as a voice actor for a college or university marketing campaign? Here's what you need to know to land these roles.

An illustrated graphic depicts a man looking out over the edge of a cliff through a telescope, as though gazing into the future
Voice Acting
2019 Trends Report: What’s Coming for Voice Actors and Creatives

Prepare for success with these 2019 trends in voice over and marketing, assembled from Voices survey and data. Get ahead of the curve!

Image depicting a silhouette of a person with headphones on and the outline of a microphone.
How Audiobook Narrators Find Their Voice

Audiobook narrators on how they find their voice and create original character voices that will inspire and delight.

Styles of voice over narration
Voice Acting
Styles of Voice Over Narration

There are 4 different types of voice over narration to take into consideration when hiring a voice actor for your audiobook narration project.

Cartoon voice actor Shelly Shenoy in her voice booth.
Voice Acting
How I Became a Successful Cartoon Voice Actor

Becoming a successful cartoon voice actor can be challenging. Voice coach and actor Shelly Shenoy shares her success story.

Various data points are displayed on a lit up screen.
Voice Acting
Why Voice Actors Should Use Analytics on their Website

Your voice acting website can do more than inform your clients about your services, it can also serve up some valuable data.

An on air sign is illuminated to the right of the image. It is lit up in red and casts a red light to the left.
Voice Acting
Radio Is Not the Same as Voice Over

Susan Berkley, former radio announcer, gives her thoughts on how a radio personality can transition into a voice acting career.

A group of medical professionals sit at a table in a row, facing right. They are wearing white coats and have stethoscopes around their necks.
Voice Acting
How Voice Actors Can Make Medical Narration Compelling

What does it take to make medical narration compelling? Voice actor Anatol Silotch shares his thoughts.

A man sits at his desk, looking bored. He has a pen in one hand and glasses in the other, up near his face. Stacked binders appear on either side of him.
Voice Acting
5 Ways to Tell if Your Voice Acting Has Hit a Glass...

Do you feel like you're in a rut? Learn tips and tricks for identifying - and getting out - of your voice acting rut.

Showing 37-48 of 88 Articles