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Voice Acting
7 Innovations That Are Transforming Accessible Tech

Accessible technology is evolving at a rapid rate. From multi-line braille display to wearable keyboards, we look at the 7 best innovations.

Voices CEO David Ciccarelli laughs as he talks to Jon Corbin, with a Corbin Visual logo on blue background
Why Voices is Launching the ‘Voice...

'Voice Branding' will explore what it takes to shape messages, tell stories and brand the world’s most influential organizations.

Adobe Captivate
An Introduction to Adobe Captivate for Elearning

Captivate is designed for accessibility, meaning you don’t have to become a professional video producer to use it effectively.

Woman sitting on floor and playing the guitar.
7 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block for Songwriters

It can be a challenge to overcome writer’s block, particularly if it’s your first time with it! These seven tips should help you get started, whatever the...

Marketing Job Descriptions

Brand Manager Job Description Template The Brand Manager is responsible for our brand's image, experience, and promise. As Brand Manager, your role is to be...

Entertainment Industry Job Descriptions

The Entertainment Industry includes many sectors with a wide range of talent specialties. From television to video games, the Industry provides fun, laughter...

Monitor of YouTube metrics
A Complete Guide to YouTube Studio

Here, we’ll give you a rundown of all the parts of YouTube Studio to ensure you’re well equipped to start your YouTube career strong.

Woman and man sitting at opposite ends of desk, with headphones on.
Best Practices for Marketing Your Podcast in 2024

When it comes to marketing your podcast, there’s no shortage of tips, tricks, and best practices. This blog will help you reach success at each stage.

YouTube Ad Scripts: What to Say in the First 5 Seconds

Five seconds isn’t a lot of time to make a lasting impression, but that’s precisely the challenge content creators face when crafting video ads for YouTube.

Male audio producer sits at desk looking intently at a computer screen where he is using audio software to design a sonic logo
How We Created the Voices Sonic Logo

Need inspiration for establishing your brand’s audio identity? Read the story of how we created the Voices sonic logo from scratch.

smart phone and tablet sitting on dark wood desk with voice over script and Voices job on their screens respectively
Voice Acting
7 Apps Voice Actors Use to Mark Up Scripts

7 reliable mark up apps that voice actors can use to mark up their digital voice over scripts with performance cues.

blue image with text on the left and image of a voice actor in front of a mic with headphones on in the right corner of the blue image
Voice Acting
What Voice Actors Want Their Clients to Know

Voice actors tell all: how to give the best creative direction, when to bring voice actors onto the project, budget considerations, and more!

Showing 37-48 of 137 Articles