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An enter sign dusted with snow against a background of pine boughs and holiday decor.
Voice Acting
Holiday Season Voice Over Sample Scripts

Looking for holiday scripts to practice with and get inspiration from? Here are three options for you to tap into that holiday spirit.

Ilyana Kadushin on becoming a successful audiobook narrator.
Voice Acting
Becoming an Audiobook Narrator with Ilyana Kadushin

Ilyana Kadushin speaks on becoming an audiobook narrator for the "Twilight" saga by Stephenie Meyer.

A collage image shows six individuals, three males and three females, who appear happy, friendly, and mature.
Voice Acting
Report: The Future Looks Golden for Senior Voice Over

Middle-aged and senior voice over is becoming more popular. Learn why demand is shifting, and what it's like to be a mature voice actor.

a generation x man sitting with his feet on a desk in an office with headphones on, listening to voice actor audition demos.
How to Get Hired for Animation Jobs

5 video clips of producers providing specific tips on how animation voice actors can deliver exactly what clients need.

a mage dressed in magical armour, conjuring a spell as if she were preparing for a duel as the voice over script suggests.
Video Game Voice Over Sample Scripts: Senior Female...

Sample voice over scripts intended to convey the wisdom and maturity only found in older generations. Get these characters and channel them into your work.

Animated mage of spreadsheets, money and calculators - budgeting tools on a table.
Voice Acting
Building Your Animation on a Budget

When using animation, you should think of building your animation on a budget in a way that will allow your message to shine through.

Various data points are displayed on a lit up screen.
Voice Acting
Why Voice Actors Should Use Analytics on their Website

Your voice acting website can do more than inform your clients about your services, it can also serve up some valuable data.

A book sits open with blank pages. Above it is a scene with mountains, a house, people and a car. A rainbow is in the sky, along with clouds.
Voice Acting
Bringing Characters to Life

Being in character can be difficult - but it can also be a thrill. Chris Nitchter loves character work and gives tips on staying in character.

Man pondering something; appears confused.
Voice Acting
An Artist in Transition: Finding Your True Voice

What do you do when you don't sound like "you" anymore? When you find your identity in a voice that isn’t yours, you lose yourself.

The word brand is embossed in lower case letters, diagonally across a piece of paper. The "a" is teal, while everything else is grey.
Voice Acting
Branding – Creating Your Personal Brand Through...

Creating a brand sounds like a daunting task. Get some tips from Voices on how to make yourself stand out!

Scattered on a desk are various objects - in the top, left corner a smartphone rests on a small bounce book. To the right of that is a calculator. Next to that is a clipboard. Below it, a pair of glasses and a mug, full of coffee. Below that 2 pages with various charters are laid out on the desk. A pen is placed on the papers. Just above and to the left is a spiral bound notebook.
How You Can Use Your Voices Profile Statistics to...

Learn which keywords are searched for often, popular job types, and how that can help you improve your profile!

A man sits at his desk, looking bored. He has a pen in one hand and glasses in the other, up near his face. Stacked binders appear on either side of him.
Voice Acting
5 Ways to Tell if Your Voice Acting Has Hit a Glass...

Do you feel like you're in a rut? Learn tips and tricks for identifying - and getting out - of your voice acting rut.

Showing 61-72 of 89 Articles