Social Sciences University Text Book



A social studies text book commissioned by J.L. Hahn Consulting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


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chapter overview. Having completed to macro level chapters Chapter three Culture and Four Society Exploring our social world, we now turn to a micro level look at how individuals become members of society through the process of socialization. On a cold winter day in 1938 a social worker walked quickly to the door of a rural Pennsylvania farmhouse investigating a case of possible child abuse. The social worker entered the home and soon discovered a five year old girl hidden in a second floor storage room. The child, whose name was Anna, was wedged into an old chair with her arms tied above her head so she couldn't move. She was wearing filthy clothes, and her arms and legs were as thin as matchsticks. Que Davis, 1940 and a situation can only be described as tragic. She had been born in 1932 to an unmarried and mentally impaired woman of 26 who lived with her strict father, angry about his daughter's illegitimate motherhood. The grandfather did not even want the child in his house, So for the 1st 6 months of her life, Anna was passed among several welfare agencies, but her mother could not afford to pay for her care. And Anna was returned to the hostel home of her grandfather to lessen the grandfather's anger, and his mother kept Anna in the storage room and gave her just enough milk to keep her alive there. She stayed day after day, month after month, with almost no human contact for five long years. Learning of Anna's rescue, the sociologist Kingsley Davis immediately went to see the child. He found her with local officials at a county home. Davis was stunned by the emaciated girl who could not laugh, speak or even smile. Anna was completely unresponsive, as if alone in an empty world.