Software Training Vignette



A series of training vignettes for ClickFox, the Leader in Customer Experience Analytics.

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create a task. In this vignette, you will learn how to create a task. A task is created to follow users along a defined path to determine who successfully traversed the path and who departed. To begin creating a task. You must be in the report organizer and have traffic open in the traffic viewer. In this case, we have selected the I V R C T I desktop source system for our traffic. Selecting this source lists all the nodes present in the system. As of today. To begin the process of creating a new task, click on the more pull down menu located in the upper right hand corner of the task window and select. Create new task. Notice that the task editor opens and contains two tasks. Step boxes. To add additional steps to the task, click on the Add Step Icon located to the right of the task editor window. Notice that an additional task step box displays To define the task path, you must identify the nose you wish to see traversed. There are two ways to add a note to a task step. The first method is to drag the note from the traffic viewer window into the task step box. Here we're dragging the welcome play Prompt note to the first step box in the task. The second way to select a note to be placed in the Task Step Box is by using the note Explorer by clicking on the Note Explorer magnifying glass icon located in the upper right hand corner of the task editor window, you display the Note Explorer Dialog box to locate a note. You type your criteria in the search box and those notes, which match the search criteria, automatically display in the Note Explorer Dialog box. To place the note into a task step box, you simply drag the node name to the step box you choose. Once you have selected your note, you close the note Explorer by clicking on the close window X in the upper right hand corner. You can add multiple nodes to a task step box simply by dragging additional nose into the task step box. In this example, we will also place the main menu in the second Task step box. To complete this tasks path, we will add the programs and product dialogue module node to the third Task step box. We have now defined the entire path that this task will report on next. We must indicate if we want indirect or direct trans, Verceles reported. The icon between each task step box indicates of this task will include indirect or direct path thing. The default setting is to include in Direct Path thing. This means that the report will count those customers who may have ventured into other nodes in between each node listed in the task step boxes. For this example, we may include those who may have indirectly traversed from the welcome play prompt to the two menus and only those that traverse directly from the two men use to the program and product dialogue module to set the path between the second and third task step box. As direct, you simply click on the path in type icon. Notice the Red X that appears on the path in type icon. This indicates that this is a direct path in type. The nose and path thing are now said for this task. Next, you should name each of the task step boxes for easy reference later to enter the names of each task step you simply type a descriptive name in the field of the top of each task step. Next, we named the task. I will name this task initial actions as its purpose is to see what customers do when initially entering this, I've er Finally, after the task has been constructed and named, we saved the task by clicking on the Save icon, located in the upper right hand corner of the task editor. Notice that when the task is saved, a dialog box asking if I would like to create the template for the task displays the creation and running of a template is explained in the vignette titled Running a Template. This completes the demonstration of creating a task.