British actress - commercial demo

Profile photo for Marilla Wex
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Television Ad


Seven television and radio commercial spots including the Philips Bodygroom spot which won Marilla a Gold Crystal Award (the highest award for commercial radio voice-over in Canada).
Clearblue Pregnancy Test television commercial
Jack Astors pub restaurant chain radio commercial
Wonga loans internet commercial
Philips Bodygroom explainer video
Knorr Liptons Sidekicks radio commercial
Quiznos radio commercial
Subaru Bridget Jones industrial

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Morella wax. You know it's not only a doctor's ultrasound scan that Khun tell you how far along you are clear. Blue Digital is the first and only pregnancy test as accurate as an ultrasound scan. A Dating Your pregnancy Jack Astor's Wintertime Festival W T f for short helps you survive winter. We call it W T F. Because winter often makes us say W t f like white things falling, wearing tuks forever and booked winter. Why you so long and cold, Miss? Do you think Canadians will like wonga dot com? Yeah, she's real cushy to use a bottle. Yeah, got the nod away with me, my violin doctors in me and double bubble. Nothing says I care more than a well kept garden. That's why it's important to know your front lawn regularly. Length is up to you, but the shorter you go, the more that tree out front will impress. This is Mrs Davidson. She wakes up at the same time. It's breakfast at the same table and walks the same dog. She sent her kids off to the same school and drives in the same car to the same office. She chats with the same people leaves at the same time and goes to the same store where she walks down the same aisles and picks up the set. We start with a bed of Chris mixed greens, then top it with this warm from the oven. Butcher quality meats and rheal melted cheese is you see? I know this is radio radio. I turned to radio.