Command & Conquer: Rise of the Reds - Russian Sergeant

Profile photo for Matthew Vanston
Not Yet Rated


C&C Generals Zero Hour mod voice acting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
surgeon reporting for duty Sergent on standby. Genero ready for inspection. Commandeer fighter The orders. I hope Dimitri's not drunk again. What is this? Order 2 to 7. You keep talking about the military. Enough with the jokes. Attention! Generally speaking, the men are ready for your command. I will lead by example Boy meets my old a k. L know. I just love my prompt action. That trust in your weapon, Dimitri, you'll do 50 pushups. Know your room keys? This is not how you're holding a soul. Trifle. She's sorry. You men are your Children. Stay in line. Safety on, for God's sake! I don't want the next day got off. No, I'm not. Cream Zune, comrade. What next? You think that I will lead the troops to the battle order received at once with me, Comrade, Keep moving. You can rest when you're dead. Affirmative command says we moved this way. Some noise. Military Stop lollygagging and move forward. Boy, we are working there. Did you hear that, Rookies, Let's go! Move your lazy *****! Damn it! So those are our new hire? Gago's a specific No more hiding sick days now they can't fight from me anymore. Don't break your Dimitri. Nice gear. Care for rookies? Those are expensive. Solely. Snake wannabes can suck my trust. What's entered? A building Getting there, comrade Thes. Way better than open crown. An ambush, huh? Good idea. Securing building Garrison That structure, Comrade advancing to structure Plaster Soldier, what are you doing? The matri! Get inside! Run to shelter! Someone watch the door! It's Let's for lots fire! That's well, One more for good measure. Shoot until nothing moves. What? Paint the floor with the lot. Have no mercy! Rebuild! These dogs opened fire compared to make you cower! Suit em! You wanted the real fight, Rookies! You have it! No, to shoot each other This time our guard A new chickie break! If Duncan onwards, Comrades! What? Show them what they're made! Our failure is not an option. Zara's you Guard Command, I request more testing. Like on my position. Sand! Mortar! Barrages up my spot. Requesting close fire Support on me. Need to mortar support. Repeat, Need mortar support. Satellite the area with shells. 90 Trey! All right. With this one, I give up. I surrender, But I will reveal nothing. Ah, you caught me by surprise. I live to fight another day. Ceasefire! I surrender! I surrender! Hey! Stop shooting me! I said I saw grander God Dammit Dimitri! He was supposed to back me up. Worry. It's nothing. How? Keep advancing Little catch you up way Have toe. Hold this position. We need immediate support. Rick! Roy! Minya! Dmitry, Tell my parents I love them.