Commercial Demo

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
label proof barrel number All important, But you should really judge a bourbon by the company it keeps. And if you find the crowd that likes to start conversations, then that sounds like the kind of company you find gathered around a bottle of being days the day. Until now, it's all been on paper. But today, Charles has only one thing left to consider. What's next. Tell your doctor about any health conditions and medications you take as some can be taken with new Dextre. New Dexter may cause serious side effects like heart rhythm changes. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Most cars are only as good as the hand that grips the wheel, but the key 60 it's more. It's a machine that's an extension of you. That's why we created the credit. Wise up from Capital one. It's free to everyone capital, one customer or not. If your cat as please, you have, please these advantage to monthly topical because it kills fleas through contact. Please don't have to buy your cat to die advantage to fight the misery of fighting. Please