SciFi Dystopian Multi Accent, Multi Character Drama: The Settlers



This showcases my ability to use the following: an adult female Indian accent, a male adult English accent, a computerized female voice, an adult general American accent in addition to a male senior citizen and female senior citizen accent. WARNING: This clip has three separate instances wherein curse words are spoken in frustration by the lead character, Tazneem.

In the clip, Tazneem (the female Indian lead) is approved for a unique government program allowing the best and brightest applicants to become immortal, allowing these chosen few to utilize their specialties to teach all future generations. She learns that her best friend, David has taken a black market version of the immortality drugs and rushes to save him. En route, she meets a young Englishmen that offers his assistance.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
That's wonderful, she sobs. You are still growing, he observes. I'm sorry, She laughs, very nearly bawling. Perhaps you will need all of my tissues, he says. As Tasneem stands to leave, he says, Oh, please, one final thing. What's that? She asks, Be remarkably careful and thoughtful During these next few weeks, he says. Tasneem leaves the office with the doctor's words, echoing in her head. Suddenly, every step she takes is a possible broken ankle. Every corner she turns is an opportunity to be flattened by an oncoming pod. Every window is a potential airlock, ready to fire her into space. Her wrist vibrates, and she looks down to see a warm glow in the soft skin between her ulna and radius. She presses her thumb to the warm spot and in her ear a voice recording begins to play name. Come find me. Assume you're back. Well, David got treatment. I think something's wrong, but maybe you know better. Please hurry. Tasneem wrinkles her nose. How could David have gotten the treatment unless he bypassed the stability checks like she had, Except he would still have to wait seven weeks Black market. She thinks, Oh, sh Tasneem holds to the tether and with her free hand taps her wrist. Audra, She says her implant responds almost immediately. Audra unavailable. It says. David. She says unavailable. Test name says the young man with the screen view glances up at her briefly than away. Locate Audra Tasneem says ultra on a male Who Get David. Goddammit, she says. Unavailable. All right. ****, she thinks for a minute. Dr. Woodland, she says. What? Her implant response. Come on, come on. Dustin emerges. Doctor went. If female voice answers Doctor Wigler, please. It's Does named Gil on its an emergency says I don't have time. Please. Tasneem says, Tell him that a friend has had the treatment and I believe it may be a black market strain. I'm going to him now. And I need Dr Wordless Hoop Doctor not treat patients who have acquired treatment out of office. Woman's voices. Please Listen to me. The man who took the treatment is David Dewberry. Fine. Yes, I did. And your understand now why This is important. So please, please tell Dr Wheeler to call me. It's very urgent. We cannot let anything happen to him. Am I clear? Yes. Yes. Tell Liam does need cries and presses her wrist to disconnect The young man behind her taps her shoulder. What she says rattled. Did you say David Dhubri had a black market treatment? Do you know how dangerous that is? If you eavesdropped on that much, then you must have heard the rest of my conversation. His name says so. Yes, I ******* know. Wow! The young man says, Excuse me. I was just going to say I might be able to help. Just names. Anger vanishes. Oh! Oh, I think I might know where he might be.