

This represents an explainer for a new medical App called Clara - it had to appeal to both Doctors, EMR personnel and patients so this is my Friendly Narrator with confident understanding of medical terms and concepts

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Meet Clara Clara is your care liaison and automated recovery assistant Clara Bridges the gaps between emergency departments, patients and positions through customized service's and solutions. Life is full of unexpected bumps in the road for you and your patients. Thankfully, Clara can help. Throughout the healing process, patients are supported by Clara to ensure on going engagement that helps bring about more optimal outcomes. While providing treatment, the hospital sends Elektronik prescriptions, offers additional patient education and assists and care coordination with specialist referrals, all from the same intuitive system. With 80% of today's E R patients being discharged to the home, the risk for revisit is high. That's why having an ally is crucial both for the well being of the patient as well as the productivity of the physician. Clara is that ally. Thanks to Clara, the pharmacy processes the prescription Elektronik Lee and provides reminders and education to the patient, eliminating uncertainty and the need to wait around for medications to be filled. Clara also enables hospitals too easily refer trusted specialists that the emergency department condemn penned on keeping patients and revenue within the same reliable network. The emergency department automatically engages a custom pathway to recovery that empowers the patient through motivational messages, daily reminders and additional education that the patient can easily follow. The whole patient experience is measured and analyzed by Clara, helping to streamline the healing process and ensuring every patient receives, Ah, high quality discharge. Thanks to Clara, the patient is back in good health with confidence. They need to continue living a happy life.