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This demo includes 3 pieces from different shows I've narrated. First is from Zoofari on Nickelodeon, second is from Healthy West Orange, third is from Kids Academy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're just in time for the Zoo Bari, where the animals are wild and wacky. Today, we're going to find out once and for all. Which animal is the best pet. There are so many different kinds of pets to choose from. There are big pets, small pets, fluffy pets, pets that can fly pets that can swim and, of course, pets. You can actually pet. Hello, people. I'm Westley, your host. Today's conversation is all about making wise choices and things you can do to get started making changes to become a healthier you. It's time for another West podcast online talk show episode thing he brought to you by the good folks at healthy West Orange. So here we go on with the show. Hi, everyone. I'm Chris, the word wiz. Today I'm going to teach you how to divide words into syllables. We will look for syllables in words in order to decode. For read those words. Remember that a syllable will always contain a vowel thistles, helpful when we're trying to use syllables to help us figure out a word