
What Is PayPal?   

PayPal is a third-party service that lets you send money to or receive money from anyone with e-mail. It works seamlessly with your existing credit card and checking account. PayPal is fast, easy, and secure and the best way to receive payments via Voices. Once you have set up your free PayPal account, you can start sending and receiving payments right away.

Quick Tip: Voices covers all transaction fees associated with PayPal, so you get your payments as quickly and as easily as possible.

For more information see:

Can I Use PayPal?

If you are not sure of the limitations or want to verify the options available to you based on your location please visit PayPal at:

This link will let you select your country and see what options are available to you through PayPal. Some options include making payments with PayPal, receiving funds through PayPal, and withdrawing funds from PayPal.

How Do I Set Up PayPal on My Voices Account?

You can select your payout preferences by logging in and clicking on the 'Me' avatar at the top-right and then selecting Account Settings from the dropdown menu.

After selecting PayPal as your choice of payment, enter in your PayPal email address. If you'd like to receive a currency other than US dollars, you can always convert the funds within your PayPal account.

Quick Tip: SurePay™ Funds released between Saturday and Friday will be paid out the following Friday.

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Article Number
First Published
12/14/2023 14:37
Last Modified
12/14/2023 14:38
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