Creating Packages

Talent Packages give clients the opportunity to browse and buy pre-set packages of work directly from you. For clients, this will eliminate uncertainty, give them the option to hire instantly, and give them pricing transparency. Buying a package also eliminates the back and forth process involved in fielding responses.

For you as a talent, creating packages gives you another great way of earning money on Voices. 

Getting Started

You can post an unlimited number of unique, feature-rich packages at any one time.


1. Under the Me dropdown, go to Manage Packages.

2. Click on the Create Package button at the top-right of the page.

3. Start with the Package Overview.

4. Fill in a strong Package Title that clearly describes what the client will get from your package. We’ve provided some examples of strong titles right in the platform to help guide you. Keep in mind the maximum character count of 75 characters.

5. Fill in any other relevant details.

For more on Talent Packages, check out the below:

The How To Guide for Creating Packages

Creating Packages on Voices video

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Article Number
First Published
01/25/2024 10:10
Last Modified
01/25/2024 10:11
All (Talent)
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