Signing up as a Voice Talent

Looking For Voice Over Work

Did you know that hundreds of jobs that need voice actors specifically are posted at Voices every week?

Whether you're a full-time voice actor who works from home producing freelance audio every day or a part-time voice artist about to make the transition from your day job to career voice acting, now is the time to take the next step and bring your vocal talents onto the Internet, and thereby, the world stage at Voices.

Comparing Membership Options At Voices

With Voices it's easy to create your own Profile, reply to job postings, deliver MP3 files and accept online credit card payments from clients.

Our team connects you with clients, giving you the ability to sell your services one-on-one. We work hard to attract world-class clients and their exclusive job opportunities to you.

Compare membership options and sign up for your Voices membership here:

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Article Number
First Published
03/05/2021 13:09
Last Modified
03/05/2021 13:09
Memberships (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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