Why am I having problems signing up for a membership?

Signing Up For An Account

First, choose which type of account is most appropriate.  Your options are a client account or a voice talent account: http://www.voices.com/signup

Next, fill out the form. You will need to provide the following:
  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Create a Username - At least 3 characters long and no special characters
  • Create a Password - At least 3 characters long. This entry will be case-sensitive and may contain special characters
Please note: As indicated at the bottom of the sign up screen, by clicking Sign Up you are agreeing to the Voices Terms of Service.

Changing Your Account Afterwards

You can edit your membership preferences later when you are signed into your account.

Common Error Messages

If there is an issue with the information that you have provided, an error message will appear in a red banner across the top of the page. There are two very common errors: 

Login must be unique - The username that you have entered is already in use. You will need to select a different one.

Email must be unique - The email address that you have entered is already in use. Please enter a different email address.

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Article Number
First Published
03/05/2021 13:20
Last Modified
03/05/2021 13:20
Talent, Client
Memberships (Talent), Account (Client), Account (Talent)
Public Knowledge Base

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