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You searched in Talent: Career Advice

Use Fee

An additional fee paid to the performer when their spot is actually aired.


Short for voice-over. Also seen as AVO (announcer voice-over). Its the act of providing a voice to a media project, where the voice is usually mixed ...

Value Added

Refers to words in a script that give the impression you're getting more than you paid for. Plus, free, new, improved and extra are examples.

Voice Print

The vocal equivalent of fingerprints. Can be seen on the monitor of any computer using a ProTools or similar sound tool.

VU Meter

A meter on the engineers console that indicates the level of sound passing through the board.


The sound of many voices talking at once, used as background sounds for a party or restaurant. Originally, it was thought that saying the words walla...


A voice or sound with reverb added to it.

Wild Line

A single line from a script that is reread several times in succession until the perfect read is achieved. Its considered wild because it is read sep...

Wild Spot

A flat fee for a spot that airs for an indeterminate number of times within a 13-week cycle. Can be local, regional or national.


A pop filter, or pop stopper. This device is used to prevent plosives that occur when speaking too closely into a microphone.

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