Terrence Miller- Narrative (Film noir, rugged, family man)



Narration with various scripts

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It wasn't every day a bombshell like this one walked into my office. She had lips, the color of blood in blue eyes that could melt the heart of even ah, hardened old P. I like me. I knew she was trouble the minute I laid eyes on her, just like 100 other guys with 100 other stories like mine. But there was something special about this when I could tell. Or at least I thought I could. When you think of baseball, you can't help but think of Babe Ruth. The Babe was the most recognizable athlete of his time and is a legend to this day, he said. Countless records, some of them still unbroken. For example, he holds the World Series record for the highest number of consecutive scoreless innings. His career began with the Red Sox, but in 1920 Bay began to play for the New York Yankees as an outfielder. Propaganda. Now the word itself has been propagandized. Say the word propaganda, and your opponent must stop and prove the truth of their words tow. Avoid this kind of shouting match. People in public life often use the less charge word spin which means exactly the same thing. It's a statement that sounds reasonable and may even have a kernel of truth to it, but is designed to appeal powerfully to your emotions. I'm Terry Miller. Thank you for listening.