E-Learning Narrations

Profile photo for Aaron Borden
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Nike career model is built around six simple actions. One. Build your plan to explore possibilities. Three. Take the right next step. Poor develop where you are. Five. Build your network and six. Prepare for your future with Nike. Hi, I'm Adam Palmer and thank you for visiting Home profit success dot com. Have you ever thought about working from home and earning a full time income? If I told you that I can help you earn $202,000 plus every day, working as little as 30 minutes? Would you be interested next entire? And Farah? A U seven is an all season ultrahigh performance, touring tired that was designed for luxury sports sedan owners looking for advanced performance and ride comfort. When tread elements are evenly spaced around the tire, they produce a clearly identifiable note that rises in frequency as speed increases. This is the first training video on basic trending to get started. Let's navigate to the full trend window, which can be found under the very first system tab. Open the trend window and let it load. This is the initial appearance of the full trend window. Welcome to the no buts online training. This course provides important information you'll need to block underage tobacco sales, including a list of tobacco products covered by mains tobacco laws, important guidelines for checking a buyer's age, and effective strategies for saying no to underage buyers or buyers without proper identification. The Occupational Safety and Health Association, or OSHA, is a government organization set up to ensure companies in the U. S have safe and healthy working conditions within OSHA. They have established a voluntary Protection Program star status, which is OSHA's official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and employees who have achieved exemplary occupational safety and health.