Corporate Animation



Friendly, relatable corporate animation

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in today's fast paced and sometimes somber media cycle. Seven and 10 Americans reports suffering from news fatigue. But good things are happening all around us and Washington Post knows people are eager for more uplifting story. So we were curious to find out more positive news. Lift our moves, W. P. Brand Studio and Mike's Hard Lemonade teamed up on a first of its kind, three part campaign to understand the power of good news. First, we conducted an original experiment in The Washington Post. You ex lab, using groundbreaking emotion recognition technology to explore a happy videos, actually make people happy. Our findings. They do. We published our research alongside original reporting and interviews with psychologists, authors and MAWR in an interactive digital article on The Washington Post. Within the article, we invited our vast audience to test how happy news affect their own emotions. Then Wei brought the campaign toe life with a joyful pop up of men in New York City Were more than 800 people joined us to try the experiment in person and grab a Mike's hard lemonade or two after reading, watching, swiping and clicking. More than seven and 10 people said they had a more favorable opinion of the brand, and eight and 10 would consider purchasing products. Most importantly, everyone enjoyed a taste of life on the bright side with Mike's Hard Lemonade and W P brand studio.