Grounded and Conversational Narrator



Identity theft is serious business and this Narrator keeps his professionalism about him without losing his humanity. It's direct and to the point. Honest. He cares about you and wants to see you avoid the foibles of others.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Identity fraud can happen to anyone through a stolen wallet home burglary. Even online, it's a frightening experience for an individual, but it's also frustrating for an employer who must absorb lost time lost productivity and perhaps even lost revenue Victims take an average 37 hours. That's a week off work to clean up an identity thieves mess and prove all debts and charges aren't theirs and someone in your company is likely to get hit. Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes out there last year. 13 million people in the us were affected. That's one in every 20 consumers. Here are the stories of just two victims On a trip to Brazil. An employee's identity was stolen and charges made to his credit card. He had to file an affidavit in person with local police incurred heavy travel and other expenses, even had to replace his passport. By the time he finally got back to the office, the cost topped $4500 In the other case, an employee of a company noticed strange charges on her health insurance bills, someone had stolen her identity and her children's identities to get medical services. She had to hire a lawyer, obtained copies of X rays, work to get other medical records released and faced multiple fees and administrative costs. The situation took six months to resolve, including time off work and ended up costing more than $6,000. Even if events like these have not happened yet, any stage of life from marriage to moving to simply doing taxes can bring the risk of identity theft. So it's important to have an insurance company that provides fraud experts to answer questions, identity theft reimbursement and resolution services as a compelling and affordable addition to your benefit suite. It's a way to protect your workers while protecting your business. That's why identity fraud expense reimbursement coverage isn't a maybe, but a must have talked to your independent agent to make sure you have the right coverage in place to help protect your business.