Fitness App - Internet Video | Confident + Conversational + Friendly

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This is a sample from a fitness website launch campaign that I recorded for Fitternity. They were looking for a conversational and confident read.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is snake, huh? She has a goal, but so far the journey has been, well, rough. There's all these diet she's trying to follow, but the ingredients are either hard to find or hard to digest. And the options. Yoga, cycling, running weights. What to do, Where to do it. Suddenly that finish line seems impossibly far. Theun. There's Akash. He convinced his friend to go cycling with him, and it was great in the first day. Then came day to 34 and the rest. Finally, what started out as a fun morning activity turned into a long, hard battle against his alarm clock and no surprises. Who won there? Then they found Eternity, a website with a holistic approach to fitness, making it reliable, easy and way more fun. They've got articles of real substance validated by experts and always relevant. It hosts a range of communities like minded people to connect with share goals with and who will always be there to motivate. Then there are options categorized, detail reviewed and presented in a way that makes us, well, simple. Finally in as a store for anything and everything to aid the fitness journey and then alarm clocks weren't such a pain anymore. Diets weren't so scary, and finish lines just got weight to eat. Get your total fitness fix. Log onto fraternity dot com.