Local Business - IVR | Amusing + Playful + High Energy

Profile photo for Adam Ramsay
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


This project was for a start-up company IVR. They were looking for an animated, playful and engaging voice that represented their outside-the-box script and unorthodox business style.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to Dev up. It's awesome that you called. If you're calling because something's on fire, don't panic. We're here to help press five for our emergency service's mailbox. To impress your online customers, press one to connect with one of our sales troopers to place a normal priority service ticket press, too. And we'll get that done for you. For information about how awesome Dev Up is. Press three to speak without President CEO business Jet I and all around. Nice guy Nicholas Macleod. Please press four Our development ninjas work best uninterrupted. But if you know the elite code, enter it now to summon one. Did your fingers crash? Nor have you been incapacitated by a shark? It I told you not to interrupt the ninjas. Press the pound sign if you're still live and we'll repeat the menu.