Commercial, Business, Radio, TV, Announcer, Auto Demo Reel

Profile photo for Adam Schoeller
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


My demo showcases voice talent in the categories of commercial, infomercial, business, radio, tv, announcer, automotive sales, public service announcements.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, My name is Adam Shoulder. Let's hear it for the dads. The ones who always come through Chevy Malibu will be there. Where does once in a lifetime happen all of the time at a place just east of unexpected and north of unbelievable. And now make more of your visit with a Busch Gardens to day ticket, explore the worlds of Busch Gardens, make a connection and a whole new direction. It's tough to quit smoking. Just ask any of the 50 million Americans who continue to puff away, even though they know the told. It takes on health and longevity, April's jamming and a B C's got the stuff with special episodes of All your favorite Siri's right here on ABC. Don't settle for Half the Rock, Kid. It all rock 100.5 The cat look, the's air, our kids and just like your kids, it seems what we tell them goes in one ear and out the other. This is your weather authority. Fox eight News at nine starts right now, new one a day. Men's pro edge