

A podcast celebrating unsong heroes

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You're about to listen to now. A podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 and all aspects of our lives. It's a radio Now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. You're about to listen to now a podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 on all aspects of our lives. It's a radio Now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. Happy listening. I tell you when I reach as I go, do, what does the entire house now come down, I go send a majority calm down. I'll go send them all right, good. You're about to listen to now A podcast that examines a podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 on all aspects of our life. It's a radio Now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. Happy listening for the full interview and more dollars into our daily podcast on mixed cloud, Spotify, Radio Garden and google podcast and google podcast. Until next week, when we bring you another selection of our best conversations Stay safe. You are about to listen to now a podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 and all aspects of our lives. It's a radio now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. Happy listening for the full interview and more to listen to our daily podcast on mixed cloud, Spotify, Radio Garden and google podcast. Until next week, when we bring you another selection of our best conversations. Stay safe. Stay safe. You're about to listen to now a podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 on all aspects of our lives. It's a radio Now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. Happy listening for the full interview and more. Do listen to our daily podcast on mixed cloud, Spotify Radio Garden and google Radio Garden and google podcast. Until next week when we'll until next week when we bring you another selection of our best conversations Stay safe. You are about to listen to now a podcast, a podcast you're about to listen to now A podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 on all aspects of our lives. It's a radio now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. Happy listening, happy listening for the full interview for the full interview and more to listen to our daily podcast and mixed cloud Spotify, Radio Garden and google podcast. Until next week when we bring you another selection of our best conversations. Stay safe Until next week when we bring you yet. Until next week when we bring you another selection of our until next week when we bring you another selection of our best conversations Stay safe. Last steak. You're about to listen to now A podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 in all aspects You're about to listen to now, a podcast that examines the impact of COVID-19 on all aspects of our lives. It's a radio Now production in collaboration with Radio Nigeria. Happy listening for the full interview and more for the full interview and more for the full interview and more for the full interview and more to listen to our daily podcast on mixed cloud, Spotify, Radio Garden and google podcast and google podcast until next week. Until next week. Until next week. When we bring you another selection until next week, when we bring you another selection of our best conversations. Stay safe until next week, when we bring you until next week, when we bring you another selection of our best conversations. Stay safe.