Documentary Narrations



Narrated the script

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Nigerian South African (General) West African (General)


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on July 1 2021 Professor venerable colloquially Jojoba, the global president of AEG Xhosa, inaugurated the reconstituted excuse a foundation committee and appointed Mr Lemieux a couple. Louis as the chairman. 10 other old students from all leagues Souza branches are members of the committee Mission statement to administer and harness all resources into making ideas and the students of brand renowned for academic excellence, vocation, sportsmanship, leadership and cultural integration in Nigeria. Vision Statement, as an integral part of the neck of exhaust to the foundation, shall set benchmarks and maintain expected standards for every form of activity or project that is geared towards academic excellence, vocation, sportsmanship, leadership and cultural integration. In a. I. G s aims and objectives. A few of the aims and objectives the exudes a foundation seeks to achieve are as follows. One. Create sustainable bench Max for identified projects and activities in the school and formulates all bench max into a master plan for the school and eggs. Sousa two. The master plan shall unequivocally become the standard for administering the existing resources and subsequent projects and activities of ex Sousa three all approved and executed projects and activities in the school shall be handed over to the foundation in order to ensure proper documentation, longevity and maintenance of standards. Four. Administer charitable legacies and endowments created by old students and other stakeholders for the benefit of Ibadan Grammar School and the students body. The journey so far. Following its inaugural meeting on July 1 2021 three subcommittees were formed Academic Infrastructure and Finance. Liza, headed by Professor Victor Ability, memory architect Marouf al ABC and Chief Medical respectively. A firm of Saviours was commissioned sometime in 2021 to prepare a silver plan for the school. The survey detailed the topology of the school and the properties on it. The foundation is most grateful to all those who contributed towards this product. The infrastructure subcommittee also prepared a comprehensive list of the current needs of the school, which can form the basis of interventions by all students. The academic subcommittee has served as a link between the school and various branches in coordinating scholarships and other endowments by old students. The subcommittee was also involved in screening of potential teachers employed by AEG Sousa any in the UK branches to supplement the staff provided by the state government. In September 2021 another sub committee was formed to drafted a mission statement and vision statement for the foundation. The members were also saddled with the responsibility of drawing up the structure of the foundation. The subcommittee was headed by Mr In Car Molly. An old students Miss Stubby Abidjan resumed work on January 10 2022 as the administrative secretary to man, the secretary of the foundation in the space allocated by neck within a line in the hall. The salary of the administrative secretaries presently paid by the chairman of the foundation Mr Lamontagne pulls from his personal funds challenges the major challenge facing the foundation. A spa city of funds. The finance subcommittee is exploring ingenious ways to raise the much needed funds which is germane to the success of the foundation. The school premises is very poor us and there have been several reported incidents of theft and vandalism of property in the school. The school Luxa perimeter fans to secure the premises to sensitise all old students about the activities of the foundation, establishment of a working relationship with the Royal State Ministry of Education, drafting a constitution that clearly defines the structure, functions and relations of the foundation with unique Sosa conclusion. The foundation appreciates and understand its integral role in the continued growth of our Alma Mata that its success belongs to the past and future members of IGs. As such, the foundation solicits the support of all old students class sets an Exocet Branches del at Patria, Mr Liu Chairman, Exocet Foundation Mrs Liu Xia DGB, secretary to the Exocet Foundation