Africa Nigerian English



A documentary on the Dangote Refinery AFRICA biggest refinery

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The March anticipated grand commissioning of the multibillion dollar Dangote petroleum refinery and Petrochemical Free Zone establishment project AKI Lagos took place on Monday the 22nd of May 2023 when it becomes operational, the Dangote petroleum refinery and Petrochemical Free Zone establishment project will produce 650,000 barrels of petroleum products per day and 900,000 tons per annum of poorly propylene products located in the Bejoy area of Lagos. The Dangote refinery covers a land area of 2635 hectares. Dagou refinery is powered by 435 megawatts power plant and has the world's largest single train. 650,000 barrels per day petroleum refinery with 900 K T P U poorly propylene plants. Dangote petroleum refinery can meet 100% of Nigeria's requirement for all refined products, gasoline, 53 million liters per day, diesel, 34 million liters per day, kerosene, 10 million liters per day, an aviation jet fuel, two million liters per day with surplus of these products for export. Dangote is one of the few companies in the world executing a petroleum refinery and the Petrochemical complex directly as an engineering procurement and construction contractor. Globally. Apart from three companies, no individual owner has done a complete E PC contract for a petroleum refinery. The Dangote refinery plant is a legacy project that will see Nigeria netting $21 billion per annum. There is training of 900 young engineers and refinery operations outside Nigeria. Another six mechanical engineers trained in G E University in Italy. 50 process engineers trained by honey. Well, Y O and 50 management trainees. The event was graced by dignitaries from within and across Africa. The chief host and Man of the Moments Nigeria's gift to the world of Business and Africa's richest man. Ahaa Liang G C O N President Muhammadu Buhari GFA. The special guest of honor was accompanied by the president of Ghana. His excellency, Nana Ado, President Far Nabe of the Republic of Togo, President of Senegal, his excellency, President Mohammed Bazo of the Republic of ***, president of Chad, his excellency, Mohammad Debi, the president elect of Nigeria. Senator Balaj Tuum was represented by Senator Kasim ****. The vice president elect Governor Babalu of Laga States led the legion of governors from the six geopolitical zones of the country. The Speaker of Nigeria's House of Representatives, honorable Femi Baja Biamila was represented by the deputy speaker. Honorable Ahmed was the national chairman of the A PC Senator Abdullahi Damo and the Senate president, Senator Ahmed Laan. The governors in attendance were those of Kaduna Un O Kano, NASAA KBI and governors elect of AA and in States, Sir Alex Oti and Doctor. There were also former governors of August State's chief Sheba Oel, former governor of Edo State and former national chairman of the A PC. Comrade Adam Sole. The ministers include Doctor Laura Mr, Senator Muli Niro, Senator Philip Ada Haji Bola Shaya, Mr Feola, Mr Jim Ovia, Mr Tony Lulu, Mr Wali A Mr Herbert Wii GMD of Access bank BL C Zaka and wife Chief Mrs Foya justice judge a gun Ma Wasilla. Oka Syke, Mr John Momo and wife. She trains in the car by been out. Senator Ben Mary Bruce Prince. Also there to honor were traditional rulers like the of they are lack of or the u of war at the third among many others. The opening prayer for the event was taken by Alhaji Abdullahi, Sule of Nasarawa State in the remarks of Allah Haj Ali G C O N. The unstoppable vision who looked overwhelmed with joy. He thanked President Muhammadu Buhari for his unprecedented support which encouraged him to be able to pull the multibillion dollar project through the utter refinery located in Iki Lagos is about three times the size of the whole of Victoria Island in Lagos. The duty site can house about 33,000 persons. Ahaa Liang explained for that. That's what kept motivating him was the need for us in Nigeria to produce what we need locally and export for extra revenue. Over 30,000 Nigerians are nationals of other countries embarked on the game changing multi billion dollar Dangote world class legacy project. The Dangote refinery will provide over 100,000 jobs, employment of professionals from different Kada will receive a very big boost with the construction of the Dangote refinery. There was a documentary on the making of the Dangote refinery. They were goodwill messages by the managing director of the N N PC Limited and Meri, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria C B N Mr Godwin, I Governor Babalu of Lagos States and the visiting presidents with self sufficiency in producing petroleum products. Nigeria will save billions of dollars spent yearly for importation of petroleum products into the country. The vice president elect Senator Kasim Shettima also congratulated the giants tribes of Aha Aliko President Muhammadu Buhari in his remarks, congratulated Alhaji Aliko Dah for his efforts to change the story of Nigeria from a consuming to a producing economy and praised him as an iconic industrialist that should be emulated by all for the continued progress and development of Nigeria. There was a photo and video session involving President Muhammadu Buhari, president of DAGA group, visiting presidents, governors and other dignitaries. The event ended afterwards as President Muhammadu Buhari and other dignitaries were taken on a facility tour of the Dante refinery and Petrochemical plant by Ahaa Liang Bishan. Communications congratulates the unstoppable vision, Africa's richest man Allah on his continuous game changing strides which have kept Nigeria steadily on the world map for all the good reasons.