Online Ad for EMF's 50th Anniversary/English/Video Narration Expertise

Profile photo for Ahmon Jeremiah
Acheivement Badges Rising Star
Online Ad


I voiced this project for the Emergency Medical Foundation's 50th anniversary. It will air online and television.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as emergency physicians. We care for those who have nowhere else to turn. But that wasn't always the case. 50 years ago, the american College of Emergency Physicians created the Emergency Medicine Foundation, a nonprofit powered by physicians like you committed to SaPO research and education that advances our health care system, your work environment and patient care. E. M. F. Emerged as the primary supporter of individuals beginning their careers as emergency physicians, playing pivotal roles in the burgeoning field of emergency medicine. E. M. S. Early studies focused on basic science and cardiac resuscitation and have continued to examine the critical issues facing the field. These studies and others from E. M. F. Grantees have been recognized and published in many prestigious journals but for all of E. M. S. Research and support of medical advances it exists to support you and the value you provide day by day shift by shift. Together we can better our careers workplace and improve the care. We provide patients through systematic clinical advancements. By contributing to E. M. F. Your dollars go towards advancing research on issues that matter to you like improving patient care, launching and transforming emergency physician research careers and funding the research to advance the specialty of emergency medicine. We are there 365 days a year, seven days a week and 24 hours a day rising to meet the most unpredictable challenges in medicine solving problems. Is in our D. N. A. Where our journey takes us starts with you shape the research of tomorrow. Start a conversation with E. M. F. Today