Fun Commercial/Industrial Voice Demo

Profile photo for Jose Garza
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


TV/Show Spots, Commercial, Industrial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
lose your passport. No sweat. We'll help you replace it 24 7 along with your American Express traveler's checks so you can relax and enjoy. The toner cartridge just exploded on the last dream of paper, and my presentation is in 72 minutes. That's when my staples easy button saves the day. Only there was an easy button for Captain Loud in the next cubicle Tomorrow at a Animal Planet brings 12 animal experts through the most grueling job interview on the Planet of the Jungle. Rumble continues tomorrow at eight on Lee on Animal Planet. Muscle aches. Nothing is proven more effective or longer lasting than Advil for long lasting relief of muscle aches. Count on Hatfill. Hey, kids, what's this? Strong is an elephant Stinks like a skunk and see in the dark. Find out next on Discovery kids. Water has no carbs. Water has no water, has no game. Water just can't compare with 40 years of elite level hydration, the ball Gatorade has to again. At first I was a little taken aback by the whole P and standing up thing, but I taught him how to throw a stick on. Now hanging out with them is the best part of my day.