Feldspar Must Decide

Profile photo for William Hahn
Not Yet Rated


Feldspar the intrepid stealthic has stolen upon the evil preacher Teretheny and knocked him unconscious. He must decide whether to kill him or leave him alone. First person narration, thoughts under time pressure- minor miracle occurs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I stood in the alley over the unconscious body of the devout Terra Thinni and thought about the problems that come with leaving bad people alive. Car, Not me. Us. Another splendid example might just be stirring back in his palace across the river where this worthy monk had put him to sleep before coming here. Two fine fellows who between them had tried to kill with star Altieri at least once a piece, both also dealing with a rodent, literally like salad bar, at whose orders little Kylie had been kidnapped and nearly eaten. Or who knows what else at the hands of giant bugs and I had let each of them off with their lives within the past few days, was I ever gonna learn from my mistakes? Would I pass over 1/3 1 here now? Fine. Thought Felts barred once more risk for me, and I realized it was someone very much like John Simm ith who was arguing to red stripe terra thingies neck. Was I defending my young friend or perhaps just being tugged around by boyish ardor for my patron. Maybe it was all a lie, and Gaspar Hogan was playing me for a fool with a tail that me has only seemed to confirm. In which case should I return to the Crystal Palace and knocked him unconscious before deciding this was getting me nowhere? Terrify any would soon rows from the blow I had struck. I needed to kill him or admit I hadn't needed to even attack him. Maybe I just wanted to. At that moment, I thought a ray of light from neither moon nor star lanced into the alleyway, falling on the gap between the monks cowl and tunic reflecting something golden there. A shot of energy passed through me and my brain cleared. Of course, that was why I had followed him without even understanding it. This villain had too much power and I was gonna take it away.