Corporate demos

Profile photo for Alan Hartzog
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Corporate, Inspirational, Story Telling, Instructional, and Audio Book Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Over the years, Gibson has developed a legendary status. It's long roster of great guitar players includes Eric Clapton, BB King, Ted Atkins, Chuck Berry and Les Paul. Toe live up to its rich heritage. Gibson blends old world handcrafted techniques with advanced technology, even in times of trauma. We try to maintain a sense of normality until we no longer can that my friends is called surviving. But for those of us who have made it through **** and are still standing, we bear a different name. Warriors. We treat others with the same personal and professional courtesy we'd expect for ourselves. We get up every morning, go to work and try to do the next right thing. We value honesty, integrity, respect and hard work. We are American values. We are the tractor supply company. Runners traversed the linked over Route 66. The Bunion Derby was a 34 100 mile marathon from Los Angeles to New York, a part Cherokee Oklahoman. 20 year old Randy Pain took home the $25,000 grand prize. Before you load your firearms, open the action and be certain that no ammunition is in the chamber or magazine. Be sure the barrel is clear of any obstruction. Make it a habit to clean the board thoroughly if the recoil on firing doesn't seem quite right. Cease firing immediately. James Younger Gang were among the most beard and wanted outlaws on the American frontier. Their crimes were reckless and brutal, yet the gang earned significant public support. Their activities spanned much of the central part of the country. They rob banks, trains and state coaches in a least 10 states.