One Minute Character Reel 2018



Updated :60 Character Reel 2017

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) Spanish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Boston car bias does things differently. We check your car out from top to bottom. Take about 20 minutes to make an offer. Women find me attractive because I am exotic and mysterious. They say I am drawn to you because you are exotic and mysterious. You just don't know how toe hold the reservation. That's really the most important part of the reservation holding anybody could just take a shred guitar in the garage at all hours. The people tell me I'm loud. Can't even hear a man. All right. He already Who's next? Yes. Can you fix it? We just sell them. We can't fix him. Alrighty. You know, I don't care much for that term. Sorry. I didn't know, You know, I don't know how many monkeys you could take a part of fuel injector. How you doing? I'm a petunia. That's right. Oppa. Tonja, you got a problem with that drinker treat? Um, aren't you a little old for this? No, I'm a little Jimmy from next door, huh? You look a lot like Doug from down the street and this week costume. Right, Woody? It takes patience, commitment on precision to be a part of the elite force off Batra Borg warriors. Yala's is good. My option These insertion, madam redeemable on your smartphone tablet computer machine. You know wherever, Because when you pay less you go from Oh, damn. I was just two days from retirement. Oh, yeah, baby, it's body time. Okay? You just blew my mind. I got to go lie down.