Mom Audio Book Funny - Audiobook - Soccer Mom - Friendly - Upbeat - Real Person -Narrator -Instructor - Conversational



Audiobook Funny Mom - Soccer Mom - Friendly - Upbeat - Narrator -Instructor - Conversational - Real Person

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a lexicon. That deodorant talk is one of the more interesting parent child conversations. It's never quite as awkward or uncomfortable is other conversations apparent will have when their child enters adolescence. But it does hold a certain place in that pantheon. Jen's mom knew how to have this conversation and a tactful but blunt way, and when her daughter was in middle school and would often be a little stinky when getting home from school, she knew the time for the talk had come. Honey, you've seen how I put on deodorant every morning. Well, you're ready to start wearing it, too. Gen blushed. Bright red at this. Of course, no one ever likes being told that they stink. But when a preteen has told that they stink by their classmates, they're likely to just shrug it off. Is teasing or things kids say to each other and not take notice when they're told that they stink by their own parents? They still might not like it, but are more likely to realize its true. Jen's mom knew this and also knew how to soften the blow. It's nothing to be embarrassed by honey. Everyone sweats. I sweat if I didn't wear deodorant, I would stink. So I wear it and I don't stink. See how that works? Gen reluctantly agreed and started sometimes wearing deodorant. But on days when she didn't, it was hard to even be in the same room as her. Now some parents like to sugar coat things for their Children. But not Jen's mom, she believed, and always being brutally honest. And so came a second talk in which she gave her daughter a hug and whispered in her ear, Honey, you stink, Mom, I'm telling you the truth. You really need to wear deodorant. This is non negotiable. You smell just in general, you smell, but you're especially stinky on hot days when you get home from school, so you're going to start wearing deodorant. I love you, sweetie, but I prefer you not to stank. This second talk got the job done, and Jen's personal cleanliness soon increased