Commercial Demo featuring some of my favorite products and stores!

Profile photo for Alex Charnofsky
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From cars to technology, food, tougher subjects and more, you'll want to give this demo a listen and discover how I bring life to some of my favorite brands.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
whether you use it for work, entertainment, connecting with loved ones or all three. Your computer does a lot for you. So you deserve a great one. Like the 16 inch Macbook Pro. Why do I shop at sprouts? Farmers market well, sprouts has all the nutritious produce. I need to make the healthy meals. I love sprouts where goodness grows now. Is the time to buy that brand new ford you've been on because the ford summer sales event is here and the deals have never been better forward. America's best selling brand at California Pizza kitchen are menu items are crafted with care. Each ingredient is selected to maximize flavor and quality come in today all over the world. People are facing unimaginable hardship, but United Way is dedicated to making a change, learn what you can do to make a difference at United Way dot org. Experience what shaving should feel like with the new Philips. Norelco sensa Touch three D. It's designed with Gyro flex three D. Technology to give you the closest most advanced shave yet