New Product VO - Brit

Video Narration


This is an industrial on how to \"last longer in bed\" - the copy is great and the commercial turned out beautifully.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There was a time when people believed the world was flat. Some thought the moon was made of tunes who, why today? Far too many people believe that when they have sex, men and women are supposed to orgasm around the same time. But like a cheese moon over the flat word, the science just doesn't back it up. On average, men take about five minutes to orgasm while women take around 18. So men finish a lot more often than women do. This is the orgasm gap. And, yes, science is to blame because men and women are biologically different. But the one thing science has taught us is that the best way to beat sounds is with bedroom science. We weren't meant to harness electricity, but we did. We can't fly, but we do. Men aren't supposed to last as long as women during sex, but now they can with Promesa Promesse and delays ejaculation up to 64% longer. It also gives men greater control, have loss of feeling, and most men find that longer lasting sex gives them a more intense orgasm. It's like a threesome of awesome for him on DH, so they can enjoy the last few minutes of sex without the stress of worrying if their partner will actually finish. The best way to beat science is with better science last 64% longer in bed and closed the orgasm gap with promicin.