20’s Trained Non-union Voice Actress & Singer w/ESL Experience

Profile photo for Ally Bakst
Not Yet Rated


This reel was created with the guidance of Gabriella Santinelli and Phil Allen at the University of Southern California. I edited it and added all special effects from my at home recording studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's not imported from anywhere. It's simply out of this world. Moon drops fragrance by revlon. Clearly I've made a mistake. Look deep down, I'm really superficial and don't get me wrong, you're cute, but you're a nobody. The chip made me obey every command, but I was aware of exactly what was happening. Shall we start with the youngest, lovely. Everyone has passions, everyone has dreams and today it's actually possible to make them real and share them with everyone at register dot com. Especially as your family is being held in I. C. I. Custody. It would be most unfortunate if you're not successful in this mission bubbles. Stop talking to the giant horse monster and help us fight the giant horse monster. Welcome to new york operative capital of the world. So a network of Russian mobsters known as the broth have taken control of the East River power plant. Be your crazy girl if you keep it up. I'm gonna go crazy because you're so crazy. Has anyone here seen a large very big bag of frogs? I need answers. People, strong bones don't break. My father was You had plenty money. 1922 Other women make a fool of you. Why don't you do right Like the other men do get out of here and get me some money too