Daniel J Green demo reel july 2020


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. My name is Daniel J. Green, and this is my June 2020. De Maria. Hey, did you all right? No, no, You gotta be kidding me. No way. Oh, no. God, no Death from above. Okay, okay. I promise to you, the next time we bust a crook, I won't open fire with a shotgun to the face. Listen to me, you son of a *****. I am completely and utterly crazy. I sue people for a living. I bake people that ever my bands, I eat noodle drop. I love that crunch are on notice against my teeth. You think I won't kill in cold blood, man, You know what I've given it a bit more fun on. I think I should go into the culinary business. Uh, no, I'm getting I'll tell you what, kid. You may not be a good detective. No, no, that's That's the end of my sentence. You know what? This run of crummy cards birth to my brother's body, Nitsa. Well, one time I strangle to do two deaf using a ukulele string. And of course he died. What storeys. Good. If there isn't any death more, right, man, I can't beat up a kid who's already had segment for him and assess. And I'm not a ******* crook. The hills are a problem, and those people are innocent. This land will be mine along with every single man, woman and child inhabiting it. You fool! You fell right into my trap. Now I will burn you alive and then maybe get some back lunch. I haven't fallen that far ahead. As it appears, human beings are very willing to destroy each other in the pursuit for freedom and salvation. Even if they have no reasonable evidence to say that, that is what the result will be. Humans. Ah, fascinating creatures on if I'm gonna have fighters in my team that I will fight them, h. And every day at the crack of dawn, I will fight each and every one of you to an inch of your life until all of you understand how it feels to be four Tax Schaars pony. Your boys, We're gonna fight a reet. Hey, little dude wanted make a prank phone call. Oh, you have no idea how much you have messed this up for me, kid. I hear you've been faking the funk on a fresh, nasty dunk. Pretty bad, kid. Pretty bad. He sounds agitated. Don't have to tell him. You know you'll be in a room. Bloody annoyance, you know that.