
Profile photo for Amy Weis
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Video Narration


Explainer demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, dear. It seems Kathy has lost her turtle. Myrdal. Yeah, that little green guy hiding over there under mittens Litter box. Now we expect Kathy will find Myrtle soon enough. But when sneaky old mittens ran off for three days a few months ago, Kathy was beside herself. If only she had known about Pet Coast Pet Registry, she might have found Mitt and sooner. Pepco's pet registry allows you to track your pets Whereabouts 24 7 with a tiny GPS microchip attached to their collar making. Finding lost pets of breeze. This could have saved Kathy a lot of headaches because you see, Mittens spent those three days with Mr Whiskers from two blocks over, and soon Kathy will find herself with Myrtle and mittens and kittens. Petco Pet Registry. Wanna buy a kitten? Bob has a problem. Okay, Bub has a lot of problems, but for the moment, let's focus on the problem he's having with his all in one office printing and copying solution from the high prices company. Bob just found out that high prices we won't call them by their initials here charges an extra $450 per year for unlimited support for the top of the line office machines, and Bob's Machine seems to need a lot of support. This is Louise Louis, says senior vice president of Do Dad Development at Doodads Incorporated among duty developers. He's a legend. Unfortunately, What Louise doesn't know is that Dude had incorporated recently hired a fancy consulting firm to reimagine its business structure, and senior management is the first target. Well, we'll find out soon enough, But for now, Louise should be using LinkedIn to build his network of contacts and connections with thousands of profiles from hundreds of do dad manufacturers. Bullingdon helps people like Louise seamlessly transition from one position to the next without having to go through the indignities of traditional job search sites. That means that legendary Louise will soon be happily developing doodads in a new and exciting setting. With his little time out of the market is possible linked in connect