Business Explainer Demo 2017

Video Narration


Featured Spots Including:

- Intelli Bookkeeping
- GEICO: How-To Parallel Park
- WorkZone Project Management
- CORION: Crypto Safety
- GMC SecOps Policy Service
- LOMA: Impact CX - The Quest
- Interaction! By Rudy Games

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
meet Zoe, so he is the owner of Zoey's Cafe. Zoey's business is great. She has great coffee and great customers thing. This is Ted. Ted loves great coffee del. Open manage Printer Essentials is a comprehensive software that makes it easier than ever to set up Connect and manager Dell Printer Fleet. When you're right side wing mirror lines up with the rear bumper of the car in front of you, cut the other way. Great. Now straighten out and ease into the spot. Geico. You got this? Do you want to improve the way you manage and organize your projects? Are too many details Getting lost in Excel? Maybe you've outgrown lightweight tools such as Asano, our base camp. What is he really doing with that information? How can we be sure he isn't exploiting it for his own profit? What if every Web page you visit is capturing what you do, what you enter and even more frightening what you see? Checking and enforcing critical security and compliance requirements early and often helps reduce risk by keeping critical flaws out of production. It also enables development teams to address those issues when they're the easiest and least costly to remediate. So what can you do personally to keep customer experience at the heart of your business? You can start by learning what C X is why it's important and how you affected you'll do just that with impact. C x The Quest tackle New, exciting tasks with friends with co workers with family who was part of your next adventure? Rudy. Games. We change the way you play board games.