Cheeky Brand Film for Gravel (dynamic, funny, warm, storyteller)

Video Narration


A winking, wry VO for a travel bag brand.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is the story of the greatest toiletry bag ever made. But it all started here with a not so great bag. This is Chris. He got this bag from his grandma. Kris loves his grandma, bless her heart, but he hated that bag. Inside, it was like a drunk game of Twister. It was impossible to find anything, and there was plenty of unwanted touching everywhere. Chris traveled. He looked for a better bag. He traveled a lot a lot, but he never found a better bag. But he found a lot of things like this. View and Lance. It wasn't. But it might as well have been because Lance loved to travel to and agreed. None of his travel gear was up to snuff. So they decided to make their own toiletry bag, one that unfolds to reveal eight pockets to keep all your stuff organized and separated. It comes with the TSA compliant bag for fast scans of all your jaws and liquids. They even designed travel friendly liquid containers. Fill them, click them, pack them, fill them, click them, pack them, build them, click them back them so you can store your shampoo like a champ and never deal with a soap apocalypse again. Best of all, would you finally reach base camp, unzip and hang out and have a bathroom more organized than the one at home? It's travel without the vanity. Get it. Kris and Lance launched their new bags online, and they did well, really well, tens of thousands of bags shipped over the world. Well, now thousands of people like you are taking Chris and lances bag around the world here, here, here and here. Now, wherever you travel, you can carry your crap without feeling like you are carrying crap. And Kris and Lance Well, they took time off in Vietnam too. Said my ties. I'm kidding. They got the work designing their next product, which did take them to Vietnam, where they did get toe work side by side with amazing craftspeople to design better travel products. Because travel isn't what they do, it's who they are. So however you travel, you always feel like you're flying first class. No matter where your adventure takes you, gravel will take you there in style and comfort. Because Christian Alliance, they're just getting started. Isn't it about time you got started