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Stop thinking about how the past has broken you and think about how it made you the person you are today. Think of it as a learning experience rather than a moment wherein time froze and you wished you never existed. We all need to go through a hurdles and challenges to grow and gain improvement.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


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Hi, This is the emotional author and here's another cup of tea. Have you ever asked yourself what has my ex done to me? Why am I so afraid? Why am I filled without? And why can't I trust anyone else? We imprint in our minds and hearts that we have lost so much? We have shattered so much that we can never become better than who we were before. But if you think about it, take a good look at yourself in the mirror and see how much you've grown, see how much you've changed. There will always come a time where and we think that our pass has scarred us for. Like then again, if you think about it, why are we different, why have we found a different perspective on how to live our everyday lives? Why are we willing to impart in a new journey with someone else? Why are we someone we didn't even know before, that person who was in a relationship and who was shattered, Broken, falling into 1000 pieces. Why is that person someone new? Why are you a transformed being compared to who you were before? That's because your past was something that has made you different your past, Even though it was scarring, it was painful. It gave you a lot of sleepless nights. You are still better than you were before. We'll talk about this more as we progress through the piece. But I entitled this piece. You and I hope you guys like you. I have been through so much When you left it made me feel uncomfortable and the press, I tried to pick up the pieces yet kept crumbling beneath my breath. I tried so hard to forget all the struggles and challenges. I failed to realize that I could have embraced the love that came my way. I tried once again to put it back piece by piece. I finally found my inner peace. It wasn't because you shattered and broke me, but because I forgot and lost all sense of reality. You were the reason why I was destroyed. It was my choice. I chose to sulk and my sadness and tears. I chose to run from my fears. Now it has become a lesson. I won't forget. It's the beginning of an exciting conquest. I was stuck looking for someone to met these pieces. It became clear that I needed this. I should have taken this opportunity to thank you because now I can become brand new. I will no longer think of the past as a mistake. Moreover, it's a path I should take. I am now a better person than I used to and all that was because of you. It was short lived and uneasy. That was all part of the journey. I have chosen to become the best that I can be someone else gets to embark on this adventure with me, cheers to what used to be. It's time to chase my dreams. I'm going to build a better future, not just free, but for my future partner, you were vital and important to my group. I'm still grateful for your existence. You have moved on and progress without. It's about time that I thank you for teaching me and there you have it. Instead of thinking about how much you have lost, think about everything that you have gained experiences. Memories and self improvement. Do not look at your loss as something that is constant and forever. Consider that it's a chance to become better. We are all about to experience so much because we want to become better than who we were before. Your past experience may not be the prettiest. It may not be the happiest, but it happened at the re moments of pure joy and excitement as we allow ourselves to think about our past as something negative. We will never learn the best teachers experience, and the best way to utilize this experience, and what we have learned is when we choose to adapt and apply it in our future, decisions Stop telling yourself that it was a mistake to begin rid. Instead, thank them for the experience change the way you proceed. What happened? That's all right now, and I'll see you at the next one. II