Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Angus Yellowlees
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Commercial Reel for adverts, voice-overs and informative media. Mostly in my own accent, with different styles and tones. Recorded and produced at my home studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
imagine two banks, both employees, helpful people on both her financially sound. A teach bank you can save regularly are an interest and, of course, manage your camps online. Only one bank there's a difference. This bank only invests in things which are good for both people on the planet, things like renewable energy, organic farming and ecological development. What's more is the only bank made sure these investments are totally transparent. That one bank is us. Follow your heart. Use your head. Trea does. Come on, Come on, ignore it. Just be interesting. Think sexy. But the pain is Think I'm gonna be sick? Nothing ruins a date quite like a migraine. Take back control with Zoom Aton, The trip town based tablet that ensures bed bound is only ever a good thing. Are you experiencing a case of the Mondays? Do you suffer from a once weekly outbreak of a soul personality, swollen mood or inflamed temple? Then Marmite on toast for breakfast could be the pseudoscientific remedy you're looking for. It's anecdotally proven to help families smash through the start of the week to report a case of the Mondays call. The mom might help line on 0, 808. 321835 Hate Mondays. Love, Mama. Marmite is best enjoyed it Breakfast, breakfast unbeaten at any time of the day. If you get up late enough users may experience a 33% increase in the approaching train is not scheduled to stop at this station. I can't believe the weather with you. You all right? A little small talk could be all it takes to interrupt someone Suicidal foods. So if you see someone who might need help, trust your instincts and start a conversation. For every life lost on the railway, six are saved by those around. You have all the experience you need to help. Small talk, saves, lives, Samaritans.