Annie Einan - Voice of the New GETCORAL APP



In Beta testing. Start-up app. Expert-vetted content on topics such as pleasure techniques, communication and the science behind sex.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
begin by sitting behind your partner's head and placing your hands palm down on their shoulders. You want your touch to be gentle but firm. This means that your hands are confidently placed with a medium toe light amount of pressure. Simply keep your hands there while you take three deep breaths. Now slowly begin toe. Lift your hands and slide them slowly around the outside of the shoulders and stop. Apply light pressure as each hand holds a shoulder pause long enough for one deep inhalation and exhalation. Slowly released your hands from their shoulders and begin to run your fingers through their hair. Use the very tips of your fingers and your fingernails. If your partner is bald, continue to use the whole palms of your hands as you did on their shoulders. Continue this for a full two minutes.