Romance Novel Narration


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sean jerked his head to look into those eyes he'd wanted to drown in moments ago and wanted to go under again. But, Good God, this was really a bad idea. If your pig thinks he's a cat, why is he acting like a guard dog? He needed to put some sense into the moment. If Guard pigs were it, then he was definitely in a lot of trouble, But it did. The trick levies eyes danced with laughter. Reggie's a little jealous of anyone who gets more attention than he does. He doesn't have anything against you specifically. Oh, yes, Reggie did. The pig snout was against him in a very inopportune spot, one toss of the animal's head, and Sean would be singing Soprano for a while. Care to call him off? Livy chuckles again and took a quick step back. Sean felt the loss immediately, but he also felt Reggie's away. The thing glared at him as it did so show another that the animal effective Livy shrugged, and it did way too many good things to that thin shirts still plastered to her chest. If Reggie hadn't granted a warning, Sean would have closed the gap between them again. That, however, wouldn't be smart. He had to stay far, far away from Livy Corolla,